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TX-808 Remote Control


TX-808, the new generation? buttons high-frequency wireless copy remote controller, using the latest technology design, applying to any remote controller backup, applying to any remote controller backup, and it doesn´t need any manual adjustment. It could code copy by yourself, safe and reliable, easy to use, and don´t worry about code disclosed when sending to copy by stores. 

Working frequency from 286MHz~480MHz, 864MHz~867MHz, 902MHz~928MHz. Low consumption electricity, east to install, light and thin, occupying a little space. Special waterproof design, high-level baked-enamel, scratchproof. High quality, especially suitable for people who have an excellent taste of life.


External Appearance

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Technical specifications

TX-808, the new generation? buttons high-frequency wireless copy remote controller, using the latest technology design, applying to any remote controller backup, applying to any remote controller backup, and it doesn´t need any manual adjustment. It could code copy by yourself, safe and reliable, easy to use, and don´t worry about code disclosed when sending to copy by stores. Auto-reaction copy procedure patent, no matter traditional high-frequency ASK or FSK modulation: garage remote controller, motor vehicle security, security for household or car remote controller, their controllers all could be copied on your own. Working frequency from 286MHz~480MHz, 864MHz~867MHz, 902MHz~928MHz. Low consumption electricity, east to install, light and thin, occupying a little space. Special waterproof design, high-level baked-enamel, scratchproof. High quality, especially suitable for people who have an excellent taste of life.